Showing 13–14 of 14 results


BUY VOACANGA AFRICANA POWDER| Voacanga africana | voacanga africana effects | voacanga africana benefits | voacanga africana supplement | voacanga africana extract voacanga africana seeds use. The bark of the African tree Voacanga Africana contains the psychoactive alkaloids voacangine and voccamine. These substances can cause hallucinations and work as an aphrodisiac. They also contain stimulating effects: these substances [...]


Yohimbe powder


BUY YOHIMBE POWDER ONLINE Yohimbe powder | Yohimbe bark | Where can i buy yohimbe bark | Yohimbe bark extract supplier If you could find an herbal supplement that can help with weight-loss, increase athletic performance, work as an appetite suppressant, and it is also known to be a natural aphrodisiac, you wouldn’t be wrong if you [...]